
Are you socially or politically active? If you are committed to helping others and want to help shape the future, this is the right place for you.

young leaders Akademy

Exchange with experts, workshops and soft skills training

Apply now!

youth press congress

Future topics, expert discussions, media training

Latest event: Nuremberg

young leaders Workshops

Exchange and discuss
Social media, future lab, live radio

Apply now!

Latin Academy

Latin you can touch - experience and philosophize about ancient Rome

Latest event: Rocca di Papa

Philosophy Academy

Intensive philosophy course
e.g. in Krakow, Tel Aviv or Vienna

Latest event: Program


Debating competition - a topic discussed across Europe

Go to the website: EYDC®

Journalist Competition

New York - Young journalists live on location: Wallstreet, ARD studio, etc.

To the website: young-leaders blog

Youth Future Forum

Young visionaries discuss the challenges of tomorrow

Latest event: Berlin